Acoustic Consultancy & Testing in Saudi Arabia
Conserve has a team of qualified & experienced acoustic experts to deliver cost-effective design solutions, design verification / validation and field testing services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia across AEC, Oil & Gas and Infrastructure sectors
Our engagement matrix in various stages of a Project
Below are the branches / specialties of acoustics we deal with
Building Acoustics
Building Acoustics deals with additional / unwanted noise from adjacent rooms and from outdoor, either air-borne or structure-borne noises. Conserve provides cost-effective solutions in order to design & construct acoustically friendly dwelling spaces
Room Acoustics
Room Acoustics deals with properties such as reverberation, noise criteria (NC/NR) and Speech Intelligibility (STI). Conserve aims to provide spaces with clarity of speech & music especially in sensitive spaces like Studios, Auditoriums, Offices, Classrooms, Hotel spaces, etc.
Environmental & Construction Noise
With increased urbanization & industrialization, there is an increasing demand for tools & technologies to tackle noise pollution arising from traffic (Road, Rail & Air) and Construction noises. Conserve’s expertise and advanced survey & simulation tools helps the client in understanding the root cause of the issues and rectify them effectively, in-line with National Center for Environmental Compliance regulations / requirements.
Occupational Noise
Measuring and reporting occupational noise is a standard requirement for Oil & Gas production / refining plants and other industries across the globe. Conserve’s acoustic survey and mapping team would use intrinsically safe survey equipment to record occupational noise data, generate maps and advise on potential mitigations if required.
Code/Standard with Application Description
World Health Organization – Community guidelines for Noise
BS 8233:2014 – Guidance on sound insulation and Noise reduction for buildings
ASHRAE Handbook Chapter 48 – Noise and Vibration Control
BS 6472: Guide to evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings
ISO 16283-1:2014 (en) Acoustics — Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 1: Airborne sound insulation
ISO 16283-3:2016(en)Acoustics — Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 3: Façade sound insulation
ISO 717-2:2020 Acoustics — Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 2: Impact sound insulation
ISO 3382-2:2008 Acoustics — Measurement of room acoustic parameters — Part 2: Reverberation time in ordinary rooms
Building regulations Approved Document E – Resistance to the passage of sound
CIBSE guide B4 – Noise and Vibration Control for building service systems
BS 6841: Guide to measurement & evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration & repeated shock
ISO 16283-2:2020 (en) Acoustics — Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 2: Impact sound insulation
ISO 717-1:2013 Acoustics — Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 1: Airborne sound insulation
ISO 3382-1:2009(en) Acoustics — Measurement of room acoustic parameters — Part 1: Performance spaces